Dental Implant Restoration
Choose Dental Implants to Replace One Tooth or Several Teeth
Dental implants have many advantages compared to traditional alternative for replacing one tooth or many teeth. They are thus a great option for people with missing teeth as they allow you to restore their teeth’s full functionality while making their smile look youthful.
Whatever the reason you lost these few teeth, we have a solution to suit your needs. Our team will know how to give back your confidence and the pleasure of smiling! Come meet us to discover the options available to you thanks to dental implant restorations. We offer free consultations for implantology treatments!
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Types of Implant Restorations
The type of restoration depends on the number of teeth to replace. If you only have one missing tooth, we will suggest you install one dental implant that will act as a root for the replacement tooth. This replacement tooth will consist of a dental crown specially built to blend in perfectly with your smile.
If you have many teeth to replace, our general practice dentists and their team may have recourse to a partial implant-supported denture also known as dental bridge on implants. Generally, this fixed denture is firmly anchored to two implants.
Restoration on Implants Advantages
Restoration on implants are an effective replacement option that has many advantages:
- Dental implants are durable. They can remain in place for many decades if properly maintained;
- They offer excellent stability for all types of restoration;
- This stability offers greater comfort inside the mouth;
- The patient recovers full mastication capacity;
- The restoration discreetly blends in the smile for increased aesthetics;
- The presence of dental implants keep stimulating the jawbone. Bone mass loss is thus decreased through time.
tip sheets that our team prepared. .
Nonetheless, do not forget that only a dentist, a specialist in your oral health,
is able to make an accurate diagnosis, so book an appointment!